A new beginning

Oh boy! A new start. Isn’t that exciting? You bet it is. It’s not however my first introduction to blogging. I used to have a blog on Wordpress.com, but after a while I was turned off by the fact that it felt too limited. So I decided I wanted a new place for me to host my online presence, that wasn’t so much limited as Wordpress was. Initially I was thinking about renting a VPS and self hosting wordpress there. But after doing a little research, I came across Github Pages. I started investigating Github pages some more, and found jekyll to be very very interesting. After a while, I also came across Octopress. That was it. I was sold :)

Free hosting of a blog, no need to maintain a server, and a platform written in ruby?

Without hesitation, I immediately started working on it. I went through octopress documentation, (which needless to say, but it was fantastic) found a wonderful theme online at opthemes, (kudos to Alex Garibay for that) and got started.

And here we are. On a platform that you can hack and customize to your liking - at least more so than the locked down version of wordpress. On a platform that is written on a language that I don’t hate with passion (like cough, php, cough), and may actually learn in the future, just for the sake of being able to customize every bit of it (gotta love the hacker’s way)

  • even though I am not really interested in web development per se.

Hope it starts out nice. I guess that is left to be seen.