The past two to three days, I have been busy with creating my very own Linux distribution using the well known Linux from Scratch. This post is an accounting of my experience with the process, what I liked, what I did learn from that, what was surprising to me and more.

Linux from Scratch: An introduction

If you are here, then you most likely already know what linux from scratch is, but for the sake of completeness (or in the case that you don’t know what it is, but are so keen on learning) I will provide an introduction about it here.

Linux from scratch is a book (from now on, lfs), providing a series of steps that guide you to the creation of a fully function GNU/Linux distribution. Although the original book creates a “barebones” distribution, with only fundamental tools in it, the distribution created provides a fine enviroment for further experimentation or customization.

Apart from the basic book, the lfs project also has 3-4 books to read if you want to extend the basic system (such as blfs, Beyond Linux from Scratch) or if you want to automate the process, create a distribution that is more secure, or how to cross-compile an lfs system for different machines.

My experience with building LFS

A small introduction about my background

I have been a UNIX (-like) systems (full-time) user for about 2.5 years now. During that time I had seen myself from being what you would call a Linux newbie, not knowing how to use a system without a GUI installed (have I mentioned that Ubuntu was my favourite distribution) to being an arguably experienced UNIX programmer, trying to learn more about the various aspects of UNIX systems, and delving deeper and deeper into them every day (while also feeling pain if using something other than a UNIX like system).

During that time, I have learned about the Unix way of working with the system, using the shell and the system’s toolchain to write software and other wise manipulate the system. I ditched my old knowledge about IDEs and GUIs, and set out to master the command line and the associated tools (Anecdote: I remember, when I first came from to Unix from Windows, to searching the net for a C/C++ IDE to do development.) I remember reading about how people worked another way in Unix land, using an editor, and the shell to work, and I decided to force myself to learn to work that way. I still remember trying to use vim and gcc, and ending up liking this way better because it seemed a more natural way to interact with the software development process, than using a ide and pressing the equivalent of a “play” button, so that magic ensues for the next few seconds until I have a result.

Time has passed since then, and going through hours and hours of reading and working with the system, I did learn quite a lot about it. My Google Summer of Code experience in 2013 expanded my system knowledge even further (that’s what you get when you have to work with the system kernel, the C library and a compiler).

But in all that time, of using Unix like systems, I never had the chance to create one myself. And although my background did allow me to know quite a few things of the inner workings of a system like that, I never actually saw all these software systems combining in front of my very eyes to create that beauty we know as a GNU/Linux distribution. And that left me a bad taste, because I knew what was happening, but I wanted to see it happen right in front of my eyes.

Knowing about the existence of lfs, and not actually going through it also made matters worse for me, as I knew that I could actually “patch” that knowledge gap of mine, but I never really tried to do that. I felt that I was missing on a lot, and that lfs would be instrumental to my understanding of a Linux system. Having gone through that some years ago, and getting stuck at the very beginning had also created an innate fear in me, that it was something that would be above my own powers.

Until two days ago, when I said to myself: “You know what? I have seen and done a lot of things in a UNIX system. I am now much more experienced than I was when I last did it. And I know I want to at least try it, even if it will only give me nothing but infinite confusion Because if I do manage to get it, I will learn so many more things, or at least get assured that my preexisting knowledge was correct” And that thought was the greatest motive I had to do that in a fairly long time.

So, I sat at my desk, grabbed a cup of coffee and off I went!

The process

Preparation and the temporary toolchain

The book is itself several chapters long, each of which perform another “big step” in the creation of the distribution.

The first few chapters are preparatory chapters, where you ensure the integrity of the building environment, and download any building dependencies you may be lacking, create a new partition that will host the lfs system, and create the user account that will do the building of the temporary toolchain.

The temporary toolchain building is a more exciting process. In essence you compile and collect several pieces of software that will later be used to compile the distribution’s toolchain and other software.

You start of with building binutils, and that is to get a working assembler and linker. After having a working assembler and linker, you proceed with compiling gcc. Next on is unpacking the linux headers, so that you can compile (and link against them) the glibc.

Having the basic parts of the toolchain compiled, you then proceed with installing other software that is needed in the temporary toolchain, like gawk, file, patch, perl etc.

Building the main system

After getting done with the temporary toolchain, you then chroot into the lfs partition. You start of with creating the needed directories (like /bin, /boot, /etc, /home etc) and then continue with building the distribution software, utilising the temporary toolchain. For instance, you construct a new gcc, you compile sed, grep, bzip, the shadow utility that manages the handling of passwords etc, all while making sure that things don’t break, and running countless tests (that sometimes take longer than what the package took to compile) to ensure that what you build is functional and reliable.

Final configuration

Next one on the list, is the various configuration files that reside in /etc, and the setup of sysvinit, the distribution’s init system.

Last, but not least, you are compiling the linux kernel and setting up grub so that the system is bootable.

At this point, if all has gone well, and you reset, you should boot into your new lfs system.

What did I gain from that?

Building lfs was a very time consuming process for me. It must have taken about 7-8 hours at the very least. Not so much because of the compilation and testing (I was compiling with MAKEFLAGS='-j 4' on a Core i5), but because I didn’t complete some steps correctly, and later needed to go back and redo them, along with everything that followed and the time it took to research some issues, programs or various other things before I did issue a command at the shell.

Now if I were to answer the question “What did I gain from that”, my answer would be along the lines of “Infinite confusion, and some great insight at some points”.

To elaborate on that,

  • lfs mostly served as a reassurance that indeed, what I did know about the system was mostly correct.
  • I did have the chance to see the distribution get built right before my eyes, which was something I longed for a great amount of time.
  • It did make me somewhat more familiar with the configure && make && make install cycle
  • It made me realise that the directories in the system are the simple result of a mkdir command, and that configuration files in the /etc/folder are handwritten plain files. (yeah, I feel stupid about that one - I don’t know what I was expecting. This was probably the result of the “magic involved” that the distro making process entailed for me)
  • I got to see the specific software that is needed to create a distribution, and demonstrate to me how I can build it, customize that build, or even change that software to my liking
  • And last but not least, something that nearly every lfs user says after a successful try: I knew that package managers did a great many things in order to maintain the system, and that much of the work I would normally have to do was done nearly automatically but boy, was I underestimating them. After lfs, I developed a new appreciation for a good package manager.


Lfs was, for the most part, a great experience. As a knowledge expander, it works great. As a system that you keep and continue to maintain? I don’t know. I know that people have done that in the past, but I decided against maintaining my build, as I figured it would be very time consuming, and that if I ever wanted to gain the experience of maintaining a distro, I would probably fork something like Crux.

In the end if you ask me if I can recommend that to you, I will say that I’m not so sure. It will provide you with some insight into the internals of a GNU/Linux distribution, but it won’t make you a better programmer as some people claim (most of the process revolves around the configure && make && make install cycle, and some conf files handwriting).

In the end, it is yourself who you should ask. Do you want that knowledge? Is it worth the hassle for you? Do you want the bragging rights? Are you crazy enough to want to maintain it? These are all questions that you get as many answers to them as the people you ask.