This post is written with an aim to provide some clarity as to the purpose and usage of the (evermore present) types Option and Result in various programming languages.

The Beginning: the bool type

We’re all used to using the bool type: its value set has cardinality 2, basically admitting two values:

  • true, and
  • false.

This means that we can use it as a return type for a function to discriminate between two outcomes from the function’s execution. Thus, it ties well with predicates (functions answering a decision problem, e.g. isDiscountValid or any?) and, more broadly, functions that want to indicate a successful outcome or a failure outcome after their execution has finished.

The return of a bool-typed value allows these functions to have great synergy with conditional statements/expressions, directly plugging into the antecedent (condition) part of a conditional statement. Undoubtedly, you’ve come across something like this (in C-like pseudocode):

bool do_something() {
    // --snip--
    if (something_went_wrong) { // signal failure
        return false;

    // all went right in the main path
    return true;

int main() {
    // --snip---

    if (do_something()) {
        printf("Operation was successful!\n");
    } else {
        // perform some logging, or error recover here...

This… works. But it’s a fairly rudimentary mechanism, with a significant limitation: what happens if we want to pass along some information in either case?

This is a thought that has crossed many a programmer’s mind, and different languages have provided different solutions to this problem, depending on whether the language allows for one or more return values. Solutions fall within the following general criteria:

  • Return a value if successful and null/nil/None otherwise.
  • Nest the bool and the value in a struct/class and return that.
  • Return a single bool value and extra values in out-parameters.
  • Allow the return of tuples containing the values.
  • Option/Result/Either.

Let’s have a quick look at some examples. For each of the below examples, imagine that our use case is the following:

We have a function which searches a rich document (think like a Word document) for a particular search text.

This is also called a “needle-in-haystack search”.

Return a value if successful and null otherwise

This was pretty much the default way people handled this situation in Algol-family languages (C, C++, Java, etc.), especially in the past. It would look something like the following (in Java-like pseudocode):

public class Document {
    // --snip--

    class SearchResult {
        int column;
        int line;

    public SearchResult searchText(String needle) {
        // --snip --
        if (found) {
            return SearchResult(column, found);
        } else {
            return null;

The approach was fairly similar in C and C++, where instead of null someone might see return NULL; or the more modern return nullptr; in the case of C++.

This approach came with a major, major flaw, one that has even been given its own nickname across the industry, by its own creator (Sir Tony Hoare) nonetheless: the billion-dollar mistake.

The problem is that the return value is usually then perused in a way that gets dereferenced (either directly, through a pointer, like in C and C++ or indirectly through objects in Java/C#, etc), causing the program to crash with either a friendly error message or an occult incantation out of Saruman's grimoire a less descriptive error message, depending on how well-behaved the language runtime you’re using is:

// In Java

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at Printer.printString(
    at Printer.print(
    at Printer.main(

// In C/C++

[1]    93157 segmentation fault  ./a.out

The computer really doesn’t like it when you force it to go to address 0x00, you see. But…

Nest the value and the bool in a class and return that

Seeing as we’re very sensitive to the computer’s plight (and our own inconvenience and embarrassment), we might as well try to find a different way: one that, at least, doesn’t result in a crash.

One way to solve the above problem, especially in the past, would be to wrap both the bool and the return value (in the successful case) in a single compound type (a class), and return values of that type. It would look something like the following.

Assume that our string-search function has been programmed to return a SearchResult type of the following form:

struct SearchResult {
    bool success;
    int column;     // present only if text was found
    int line;       // ditto

Objects of that type would use the success sub-component as a discriminating value, indicating on whether the search yielded a successful match or not. The rest of the sub-components (column and line) would have well-defined values if the success is true, and undefined otherwise.

Thus, our function might look something like this:

SearchResult search_text(const std::string& subtext, const Document& doc) {
    // --snip--
    if(found) {
        return {true, column_no, line_no};
    } else {
        return {false, random(), random()}; // random to simulate undefined value

Now, if we wanted to use our search_text function, being the responsible programmers we are, we would first check the success field:

void perform_action() {
    // --snip--

    const auto result = search_text("the jabberwocky", alice_in_wonderland);
    if (result.success) {
        printf("Found at line %d and column %d\n", result.line, result.column);
    } else { // !result.success 
        printf("Unable to find given text within the document.");

This is definitely a solution, and one that was adopted in various codebases I’ve seen in the past, but it also suffers from a flaw, albeit a less severe one this time: the pollution of the codebase with many similar but oh-so-slightly-different types which served only as “rich-return-typed objects”.

This has the side-effect of an increase in the cognitive load of the programmer, which makes the experience of programming in that codebase a bit worse than it needs to be: the editors and other tools might help, but you still need to mentally keep track of which function returns what, and have some special handling around any of those.


This one is a variation of the two themes above, falling somewhat in the middle: it still signals success and makes it harder (kinda…) to crash the application. This time around, our code would look similar to this (in Cpp-like pseudocode):

// Our SearchResult object
struct SearchResult {
    int column;
    int line;

// And the search function
bool search_text(const std::string& needle, const Document& haystack, SearchResult& result) {
    // --snip--
    if(found) {
        result = SearchResult{column_no, line_no}; 
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

// With our usage looking like this:

void perform_action() {
    // --snip--

    auto result = SearchResult{}; 

    const auto found = search_text("the jabberwocky", alice_in_wonderland, &result);
    if (found) {
        printf("Found at line %d and column %d\n", result.line, result.column);
    } else { // !found 
        printf("Unable to find given text within the document.");

This, again, also works. It’s a fine solution for many people (given how widespread out-parameters are) and enjoys a good performance profile because of the pointers/references, but I personally heavily dislike it from an aesthetics/philosophical standpoint:

A function should only ever return its return value and nothing else.

What can I say? I’m a functional-programming kind of guy.

Allow the return of a tuple containing the values

If we use the above quote as an axiom for our programming system, we kind of find ourselves in a bind: we both want to return a bool, and a secondary value based on the value of the bool itself.

Or are we?

For programming languages that only allow one return value, we can look into packing our bool and the auxiliary value into a pair or an n-tuple (its arity-based generalisation).

This used to be harder, but nowadays most programming languages offer more mathematical primitives in their standard libraries.

For example, adapting our example above to something like Kotlin:

fun searchText(needle: String, haystack: Document): Pair<Boolean, SearchResult> {
    // --snip--

    if (found) {
        return Pair(true, SearchResult(column, line))
    } else {
        return Pair(false, SearchResult())

And for our usage, this time around:

val result = searchText("The Queen of Hearts", aliceInWonderland);
if (result.first) {
    println("Found The Queen of Hearts at ${result.second}")

There are also some languages that allow you to return multiple values in their base syntax (internally, they might do packing/unpacking automatically to achieve an effect very similar to the above). Of these, perhaps Go is the most famous one, using this as an idiom for error handling:

import "errors"

func example_function(arg int) (int, error) {
    if arg == 42 {
        return -1, errors.New("can't work with 42")

    return arg + 3, nil

func main() {
    result, err := example_function(42);
    if err != nil {
        // Log or do some error handling here


Wow. What a trip. Let’s have a quick recap so we can review where we’ve been so far:

  • We started with a function doing something, and returning true or false to show whether it succeeded or not.
  • Our requirements evolved to now also need some extra information in addition to the above true/false values.
  • We explored a number of different ways to satisfy that new requirement.

But all of them were a bit lacking, in various different ways:

  • They… allowed us to crash, either by accident or by misuse of their interface.
  • They didn’t provide enough context to the compiler to assist us with development (and to provide guard rails against misuse), using pattern matching for instance.
  • They depended on the creation of other context-sensitive, non-uniform types.
  • They fallback to using types (e.g. Pair or Triple) that lack specificity to guide our expectations and intuition to a specific context.

All of the above are solved by the Option and Result type (and its more general dual in Haskell, Either).

All of them are what’s known in Programming Language Theory as Sum Types (sometimes called Discriminated Unions), due to the fact that the value set of the compound type is the sum of the cardinality of the sets of the atomic types (called constructors) that comprise them.

The type definitions look like these (in an ML-like pseudocode):

type Option<T> =
  | Some<T>
  | None

type Result<T, E> =
  | Ok<T>
  | Err<E>

type Either<L, R> =
  | Left<L>
  | Right<R>

All of the above are generic types, admitting generic parameters (the T, Es, etc.).

(At this point, it’s worth observing that Either is isomorphic to Result, so from now on onwards, what we mention for Result will apply to Either as well, without the need to explicitly say so).

An interesting pattern arises if we also provide a type definition for a Boolean type in the same pseudo syntax:

type Boolean =
  | True
  | False

If we also remove the generic parameters from the above type definitions (just for illustration purposes) and lay them all next to each other, we’re going to observe that their value sets their definitions are identical (with only different names for the various constructors):

type Boolean =
  | True
  | False

type Option =
  | Some
  | None

type Result =
  | Ok
  | Err

Wow! This near-identical (isomorphic) form is also a hint that their semantics are also very similar. Let’s try to put the generic parameters (but as comment for a clarity) and see how we do:

type Boolean =
  | True
  | False

type Option =
  | Some -- with extra information
  | None

type Result =
  | Ok  -- with extra information
  | Err -- with extra information

A clear pattern now emerges! All of these signal the same sort of binary outcome, with the capability of also carrying extra information.

Nice! The keen-eyed amongst you will have noticed that this insight has now solved our original problem in a very clean way, and has at the same time provided a very clear usage guideline:

  • Use Boolean whenever you only need to discriminate between two outcomes.
  • Use Option whenever you want to do the above, but also want to carry extra information around in the True case.
  • Use Result whenever you want to discriminate between two outcomes but also want to carry extra information around in both of these cases.

Let’s have a look at some examples in Rust to see how we would choose which one to use in practice. Let’s have a look at 3 different cases:

struct Person {
    age: u8,

impl Person {
    // A Person can either drink (is of legal age) or not.
    // True or false. No other information needed.
    fn can_drink() -> bool {
        age >= 18

In the above case we see an example of a predicate (a function returning true/false, in effect solving a decision problem). Boolean values work very well for predicates: we only want the first order value - it’s either true or false, but we don’t care why in either case.

Let’s now have a look at a case where we might care about extra information in addition to the first-order value: Let’s assume we’re searching for a value in a vector and want to know its index in it:

fn search(needle: &String, haystack: &Vec<String>) -> Option<usize> {
    // Return `Some(index)` if value is present `None` otherwise
    haystack.iter().position(|x| x == needle)

fn main() {
    let fruit = vec![
    let res = search(&"apple".to_string(), &fruit);
    assert_eq!(res, Some(2));

In this case, our search function will search for the string needle inside the collection haystack. If it succeeds (the true case), it’s going to return us a value that signals that it succeeded, along with the extra information we asked for (the index in our case). This is the Some(T) constructor that we saw above in the type definitions. If it fails, it will instead return None (the false equivalent).

This is a great example of the typical use-case for Option: we use it in contexts where we want to attach auxiliary data in the successful case, but where if we fail, we don’t care enough to know more about the failure case - only that it happened.

That gap is being filled by Result - it’s like Option semantically, but it allows us to also carry around extra data in the case false case. This is useful in that it allows us to carry around diagnostic information in the failure case, to allow with error reporting and recovery.

An example of this need being satisfied would be the following function:

fn read_to_string(filename: &str) -> Result<String, io::Error> {
    let mut file = match File::open(&filename) {
        Ok(f) => f,
        Err(e) => return Err(e),

    let mut text = String::new();
    match file.read_to_string(&mut text) {
        Ok(_) => Ok(text),
        Err(e) => Err(e),

Here our read_to_string function is doing two things:

  1. Open a file, and
  2. Read its contents into a string buffer.

Any of these two operations can fail. If we only had a bool value as the return value, we could signal that a failure happened by returning false, but we would be at a loss as to what has actually failed.

In this case, our Result type allows us to do the following:

  • If everything worked fine, return the Ok() constructor with an appropriate value attached (the string buffer in our case, after completion).
  • If there was an error, either at file opening or reading, returning an Err() constructor, with an appropriate error message attached.


To wrap everything up in a TL;DR form, here’s my usage heuristic for the above types:

  • Use bool for simple predicates.
  • Use Option<T> when extra data needs to be carried in the success case (for instance when searching for values in a collection) and the failure case is signaling a simple absence of value for any reason.
  • Use Result<T,E> when extra data needs to be carried around in the success and failure case (say, if you’re reading something from the network, and you want to return the data in the success case or an appropriate error message in the failure case).